Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Abby's party and group trip to Chuck E. Cheese

Girls ready for the party Chuck E picture

Saucy head
Hello Chuck E
Waiting his turn for the air hockey
Too many kids on one ride

On Tuesday night Ella was invited to attend Abby's birthday party. Parents were optional so Jonathan and I opted out. Debbie was having some health issues which left her unable to drive so Cassie drove Riley up to our house and Jonathan and I dropped the girls off at the party. The two hours went by very fast! We went to Kroger, unloaded groceries and had dinner then it was time to pick them up. They had a great time and had about 15 tattoos a piece in various places on their bodies. Ella proclaimed that she had eaten 2 cupcakes before I was even fully in the door. Not something I was proud of but what else could I expect.

Debbie's strong pain relievers left her unable to drive on Wednesday. I picked up her and the girls and took them with my two kids to Chuck E. Cheese to meet Carmen, Lofton, Landon, Cherie, Sam, Rose, Becky, Brett, Reece, Mallory, Teri, Josh and Hannah for a play date. Everything went pretty well. Reagan did fall out of her booster seat and hit her head on her pizza which resulted in the "sauce to the head" picture (which I love). As we were getting ready to leave, Jude used one token to give several of the kids a ride...overall a productive Chuck E Cheese trip that took up about 2 hours (felt like 6 though).


Unknown said...

As much fun as that sounds, I can't say that I envy you!!! I also have to say that you pregnant and Debbie injured are very brave to go to Chuck E Cheese. I'm neither and do everything in my power to avoid it!