Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Pops and Mimi take another Monday
Posted by Amy Griffin at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Spring Break
Posted by Amy Griffin at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
Getting Grades In Kindergarten!
Ella got her end of the nine weeks report card. As the sight words now number 121 she did great - 120 out of 121 (she missed "saw" - not that we are focusing on that, just saying). She also had her very first spelling test. She made 110! You would think she would be really proud of herself but when I asked her about that she just said - yeah, I did good. I guess that is great, but sometimes I think she doesn't realize what she is doing in Kindergarten?! This month was the month to read 100 books....we have been reading like crazy people and have put away 110 books! Anyway, I can't believe we are winding down her first year of school. It has gone by so quickly.
Posted by Amy Griffin at 7:21 PM 2 comments
Labels: Kindergarten Ella
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It has started already....
Posted by Amy Griffin at 8:51 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Greatest Superhero of All Time?
Carmen taught a great Sunday school lesson on Jesus coming to save us and being our superhero (well I know it was great even though we were late and missed the majority of it). We did however come in on the Super Jesus (like Superman) badge making which was basically a Superman symbol with a J on the inside that had their memory verse on the back - it was really cute Carmen. Carmen poised the question "Who is the greatest Superhero that came to save us - his name starts with a J?" Naturally Jude thought it was him and answered the question with confidence. Unfortunately, he was wrong but we all laughed at him. He found humor in it at the time but does not want me talking about it now.
Posted by Amy Griffin at 9:24 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
So sweet
Posted by Amy Griffin at 6:17 PM 3 comments
Dental Health
Posted by Amy Griffin at 6:13 PM 4 comments
Labels: Kindergarten Ella
Monday, March 2, 2009
Tea for Two....and more!

Posted by Amy Griffin at 6:11 AM 1 comments